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House Elf Lamancha ranch started out as Bliss Meadows but noticing that life is anything but bliss all the time and the meadows arent always bliss either, I had to find something different to call my herd. My mother the owner of Motley Boer Goat Ranch told me my herd should be House Elf Herd because i own LaMancha and LaMancha mixes and i was like Oh my gosh i love the idea. From then on Bliss Meadows was transferred into a Harry potter themed House Elf Lamanchas. I want to say a quick thanks to J. K. Rowling for putting out the book my imagination would be nothing without your books.

Now on to my ranch. My first goat was a Nigerian Dwarf mix Wether named Bambi he was black so i refused to sell him he was born in 2002 february 17th and he died 2012 on the 18th of February. I miss him dearly but i know hes okay :) hes dancing and prancing on the Meadows of Bliss in heaven with his mom, his aunt, his cousin/brother and the elder of the herd Pearly the Geep :) haha. She was such a great goat though wild as a hair like the rest except for Bambi he was the most calm. 

After Bambi had died i told my mom i want a LaMancha, i love the way they look. she said no absolutely not, not after Bambi has died im not ready and im sure your not ready we need more time to move on. So I let them have time to move on.

I know i know Most of you reading this are like oh my goodness its only been two days and you are already asking for a new goat whats wrong with you? haha I have a simple answer I believe that after someone passes they dont want you, the one they love, to linger on their death. I mean yeah sure they are happy you love them and are glad that you are crying because they are gone because that tells them they miss you. If you watch your surroundings you'll notice that loved one is also trying to send you a message, Pennies on the floor, furniture moved, one of their belongings you inherited making noise or moving on its own with or without your notice, or even you, your hair, smells of what they once wore perfume, cologne, detergent, soaps the signs are all around you. You just have to learn to pay attention to them. I was so ready to grieve Bambi but at the same time i knew he didnt want me to linger on his death. My mom and I cleaned out the barn the next day after Bambi had been put down and buried. I was sad yes, but my mom was there so i didnt shed a tear, however my mom was raking the bloody hay and she was like 5 steps away from me. I felt a nudge on my leg that of a baby goats head just nudging me like they are trying to get my attention. I told my mom and i knew it was bambi i said, "He came back." and she said what? and i told her, I felt a nudge on my leg mom im not kidding." and she looked at me and said, "I think he just said goodbye." and a single tear shed i knew thats what it was. and that next day i was ready to move on. 

The next week my moms Friend Debra called up and said that she had a Laboer doe who had given birth to triplets and they had a Laboer doeling that was out of her they were selling for $50.00. I jumped at the offer and said yes. We went over and visited that wednesday and my mom looked at the kid and right next to the pen was some alpine triplet bucks that were black. Ha, and one of them looked EXACTLY like Bambi. :) However trying not to cry at the site i looked at the little girl, i didnt like her markings i thought she was absolutely ugly. I told my mom i'd have to think on it some more. After going home i kept thinking on it and i thought what if this is my only chance? my mom told me that i could do whatever i wanted, Debra told me i couldnt register this one and show her but i could use her to build money if i needed to, to get to that goal of getting a registerable LaMancha. I thought on it and decided Even if i cant register her who cares i never registered Bambi and he had a great life!. So i got the new Doeling and her name was Dottie, i hated that name it was too chick and she was named after her grandmother although on the ride home i called her Dobby because of her ears. haha She looked like a House elf, Ever since then i can honestly say i dont regret getting Dobby and shes my baby everytime i go out to spend time with her she lies by my feet or next to me. :) 

Breeding Times:  October/ May    Birthing time:  March/September​

Kid Sales: Anytime 

Other Sales: Anytime please see contact to see if we are selling bottle baby milk or check the  For Sale page to see if any kids are still up.​

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